
Make the most of the Neo Exam's plethora of features.

We’ve literally got all of your needs covered. Name any requirement, we’ll show the equivalent feature in our robust platform! 

Spotlights of Neo Exam Platform!

Have a look at some paramount features of the Neo Exam which can make your Institution's assessment routine, simple and fun!

AI-Driven Platform

Eliminates the struggle in the examination process faced by institutes.

Question Bank Support

Upload all types of questions seamlessly, and manage database for individual subjects.

Dynamic Test Modules

Increase the efficacy through our rule-based dynamic question generation.

Cheat Proof Parameters

Infinite security features to ensure 0% Cheating and 100% authenticity.

2 Levels of Evaluation

Holistic Auto-Evaluation and Manual Evaluation for all the question types.

Network Proofing

Tests can be resumed with all data saved, even after a network error or system crash.

Recommended Configurations

Best Practices for Online Semester Examinations.

Best Practices for Admission/ Entrance Examinations.

Best Practices for Continuous Assessments/ Internal Examinations.

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